Iain is from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, and recently moved to Halifax. With The CMM, Iain is the Climate Monitoring Officer who works with Mi’kmaq communities to develop strategies relating to climate change adaptation and monitoring, and to promote environmental education.
Iain graduated in 2019 from Mount Allison University with a BSc in Environmental Science. Prior to his move to Halifax, he worked for environmental non-profits; the McPhail Woods Ecological Forestry Project and the Island Nature Trust. These organizations conducted work related to forest restoration, the recovery of species at risk, land stewardship, and public education and engagement. This past summer, Iain was an interpreter on McNabs Island, where he led guided tours and developed interactive materials related to the natural history of McNabs. While Iain enjoys learning about anything related to the environment, botany is currently his biggest interest.Iain enjoys hiking, bouldering, talking anything plant related, and watching whatever sports are on the TV!